1001 Aviation Facts

1001 Aviation Facts

B. inggris buatlah 10 kalimat dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan kata yg ada di gambar

terima kasih sebelumnya untuk yg sudah mau membantu menjawab☺​

buatlah 10 kalimat dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan kata yg ada di gambar

terima kasih sebelumnya untuk yg sudah mau membantu menjawab☺​


1. You're very good at drawing

2.Some people are terrified of snakes.

3.The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.


5.It is endearing,” I agreed.

6.Never show resentment!

7.All the sacrifices were worthwhile.

8.It soothes and excites us, uplifts and inspires us.

9.15 Granted, trials can sadden or even depress us.

10a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures